What are Whiskees NFTs? (🖼+🥃)

Whiskees NFTs
6 min readMar 18, 2023

Whiskees NFTs are a realistically fun and unique hand-drawn collection of 10,000 Cardano blockchain based artwork NFT’s. The artwork is inspired by a love and passion for all types of aged whiskeys, whiskies, or as we prefer… Whiskees and represents the many differences in locations, people, and ways to enjoy a glass or bottle. Whiskees NFTs are not only a fantastic collection of artwork, but also a way for NFT owners to have crowdfunding partial ownership in aging whiskey casks.

This offers real world utility to NFT owners for a highly desirable and unique asset and provides the opportunity, but not guarantees, for returns upon future whiskey cask sales which have traditionally appreciated between +15–20% increase per year. This return on your NFT investment would be paid in ADA directly to you as the NFT owner when the casks are sold at different time points after a community DAO vote.

  • 50% of your NFT mint purchase goes to buying a unique piece of art.
  • 50% of your NFT mint purchase will be used for crowdfunding ownership in aging, and appreciating, Irish & Scotch whiskey casks.

The Whiskees NFTs team is focused on bridging the digital and physical world using Cardano NFTs and whiskey casks. Filled whiskey casks are a unique and uncorrelated good to traditional markets that appreciate in value as the spirit ages. As an individual, whiskey casks can be complex and expensive to own or get exposure to without significant capital committed. By using the Cardano blockchain and NFTs we are able to provide greater access for whiskey cask ownership.

How It Works

Whiskees NFTs — How it works

Rarity Tiers

Whiskees NFTs will be created in 6 rarity tiers at descending price points to accommodate for all types of owners and Whiskees lovers.

You choose which rarity tier you want to mint according to your desired amount of whiskey cask ownership!!!

In addition to the 6 rarity tiers, there will also be additional rarity within each tier itself. This increased rarity may be different cityscapes (36+), luxury condo items, pets, abstract NFTs within the NFT, or other differences.

It’s important to note that no matter the rarity, your Whiskees NFT whiskey cask ownership percentage will ALWAYS be equal to 50% of that respective Whiskees NFTs mint price, never more, never less. A table will be released after the mint to show exactly what percent of the mint each NFT from each rarity tier is worth compared to the overall collection.

The 1%

| 1% of the total collection | 100 Total NFTs | Mint Price: $1000 |

The rarest NFT in the series to show off your elite Whiskees status surrounded by some of the most iconic locations and things crypto can buy. All your years of NFT trading, HODLING, and APEing have finally paid off and you find yourself in the elite 1%. You know you’ve made it and you look out, relax, and sip on the finest 40 year aged whisky ever made… celebrating your success.

Angels Share

| 2% of the total collection | 200 Total NFTs | Mint Price: $800 |

This rarity tier pays an homage to the ~2% of spirits, or Angels Share, that are lost in a cask per year as part of the aging process through evaporation. As an owner of this NFT you consider yourself a whiskey connoisseur and surround your life with everything this has to offer. You exclusively plan your travels and days around all things whiskey. You know every Scottish distillery, bourbon trail, and through one sip can tell every region from around the world where a whiskey was distilled. You look out and find yourself enjoying your current glass and pondering the next rare bottle you’ll be enjoying tomorrow.

Example image of The 1% & Angels Share Whiskees NFT

Master Distiller

| 5% of collection | 500 Total NFTs | Mint Price: $600 |

You think of yourself as a near whale in the Cardano NFT world, climbing further to the top with every NFT purchase. You live a life full of wisdom, adventure, and exotic travel and enjoy the finer things. Your tastebuds are close to fully developed and you have a few favorite distilleries from nearly every prominent whiskey producing country around the world. You sip and marvel at how awesome your life is, and will continue to be, as you resume your ascent to the top. Cheers indeed.

Master Blender

| 15% of the collection | 1500 Total NFTs | Mint Price: $300 |

You crave the big iconic city vibes and regularly find yourself on different continents taking it all in. London, Paris, New York… they all speak to you and how you live your life. You enjoy a quality Speakeasy or night club and whiskey is always your go to. Sophisticated, stylish, and authentic are all words that resonate with your soul. You sip your drink and look out over the vibrant city life waiting for that Uber to take you on the next grand adventure.

Example image of the Master Distiller & Master Distiller Whiskees NFT


| 28% of the collection | 2800 Total NFTs | Mint Price: $100 |

Against the grain and off the beaten path are the ways you forge forward in life. The ‘normal’ is boring and you prefer an eclectic and exotic adventure of spontaneous fun, reflected in the Cardano NFTs you own. You see your mixologist as a captivating artist crafting your whiskey drink as an experience for your enjoyment. People may not understand you, but you don’t give a F*ck. You gaze at the uniqueness of the place you find yourself looking out upon and can’t wait to see where the world takes you tomorrow.


| 49% of the collection | 4900 Total NFTs | Mint Price: $50 |

You are a hidden gem and rising star on your way to Whiskees awesomeness. You are proud of where you have been and are excited about where you are going next. You just 10x’ed your last Cardano NFT purchase and seem to be making all of the right decisions lately, it’s clicking and vibing. You pump the tunes up higher and take another swig. Damn it’s good, you think to yourself as you check the whiskey label remembering to grab that bottle again as you begin to know what you like. You look out at the world and know it’s your oyster and are ready to make it whatever you want. You got this!

Example image of the Maltman & Barrelman Whiskees NFT

WEN Mint?

Whiskees NFTs will be released in phases according to community and market demand. Our first Pre-Sale of only 555 Whiskees NFTs is planned for April 6th 2023.

These will be the absolute RAREST NFTs of our collection and will come with some unique features and added bonuses. Don’t miss your chance to own some rare whiskey casks by simply owning a Whiskees NFT.

More information will be available soon regarding the mint!!!

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Whiskees NFTs

Whiskees NFTs, a unique NFT collection offering real world utility on the Cardano blockchain. 50% unique digital art, 50% partial whiskey cask ownership.